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Angels and Saints #messengersofhope

Who are the Angels or Saints in Gateshead? Who have brought you hope in the last 6 months?

As churches in Gateshead we are working together to find ways to work with the community to try and bring some hope, joy and comfort to the people of Gateshead as winter approaches and we look towards Christmas—a very different Christmas than many of us would want.

There are lots of things we would love the schools and community groups to join in with including: Angels and Saints scarecrows, letters of hope to those in residential care who cannot have visitors, videos and messages of hope and so much more that will be revealed and shared as the months progress.

We begin with thanking those who have been messengers of hope during Covid19. To do this we are making scarecrows and are inviting local community groups and schools as well as churches and individuals to take part. These will be our local saints and angels (NHS workers, teachers, parents etc.) and we would love you to take part—putting up a scarecrow in the school grounds or on a fence for others to see.

Once it is made we would love you to take a photo and share it with us on your social media as well as ours using the hashtag #messengersofhope.

As well as this we ask that you email the postcode and a name and description of your Saint or Angel to

These will then be put on a map for an angel trail around Gateshead.

If we can help in any way do email or ring on 0191 4422499.

Daisy, who represents the pickers and farmers

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